working age

英 [ˈwɜːkɪŋ eɪdʒ] 美 [ˈwɜːrkɪŋ eɪdʒ]




  1. Whereas the population of working age increased by 1 million between 1981 and 1986, today it is barely growing.
  2. In their simulation, they assume that 10 percent of non-college-educated men of prime working age suddenly obtained a college degree or higher, which would be an unprecedented rise in the proportion of the work force with advanced education.
  3. Samsung Electronics Co. said Monday it found some problems with working conditions at the plant of one of its suppliers in China but no evidence of the use of staff under the legal working age of 16.
  4. The overall population will start to grow faster than that of working age.
  5. Combine that with China's aging population-which has meant a decline in the ranks of the nation's working age people ( down 2.4 million last year to 920 million)--and the nation's leaders have a cushion when it comes to unemployment levels.
  6. Now, employment and support allowance is a working age benefit for people that have disabilities and health problems that affect their ability to work.
  7. Indeed, the US's working age population will have grown by about 30 per cent, whereas China's will have dropped 3 per cent.
  8. Immigration would not, on current trends, make up the shortfall in the working age population.
  9. Most important of these is the pending decline of that part of the population that is of working age.
  10. A bulge of better-educated young people of working age is entering the job market and birth rates are beginning to decline.
  11. As well as declines in wages, the crisis brought a sharp reduction in the proportion of the population of working age in the workforce.
  12. GDP per person of working age rose at more than double the rate of Germany, faster than Britain and close to that of the US.
  13. At the other end of the age spectrum, state pensions systems face difficulties now, when there are four people of working age to each retired person.
  14. The leaders pointed to HIV/ TB as a major constraint to economic development, since most TB deaths are among adults of working age.
  15. Above all, mental ill health is today overwhelmingly the most important form of sickness affecting children and adults of working age.
  16. In industrialized countries, the number of people reaching retirement age is growing, while the number of working age people is declining.
  17. If the government wants to hit its target of getting 80 per cent of the working age population into employment, it will have to tackle mental illness.
  18. This dividend refers to an increase in the rate of economic growth due to an increase of people of working age.
  19. Tacit knowledge transfer happens more often among employees with close friendship, similar working age, different education levels and of high positions.
  20. South Korea is currently well placed, with six citizens of working age for every pensioner.
  21. Three out of four peasants of working age have floated to industrial and commercial employment.
  22. Even exercise programmes, promoted as a way of boosting wellbeing and maintaining good health, are targeted at the young and those of working age, it says.